Children and young people have the same basic rights as adults, but in recognition of their special needs they also have specific rights as outlined in the International Convention on the Rights of the Child.
The Right to Participation is one of the guiding principles and it includes:
- The right to express oneself, to speak, to give one's opinion (art. 12, 13, 14);
- The right to be heard and listened to (art. 12, 14);
- The right to be considered (art. 12);
- The right to participate in the decision-making and implementation process (arts. 12, 15, 17).
Participation is also one of the fundamental principles on which CSC-Asbl is based (together with non-discrimination, the best interests of the child, his/her survival and personal development). Children are human beings and their rights belong to them, CSC-Asbl recognises that the protection of children is the responsibility of all. We help our partners and local institutions to put in place their safeguarding policy.
You can sponsor training and risk assessment by contributing to our work.