History of CSC-Asbl
Community Support Center (CSC-Asbl) is a non-profit organization established by Byolenganya Olo Bernoulli in 2016 and registered with charity number 112/SKV/6937 in the South Kivu province in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).
After living for many years in isolation, Olo set up CSC-Asbl to promote a humanitarian vision on behalf of those whose rights have been violated. By fighting against social injustice, discrimination and inequality he aims to inspire resilience and a belief in a better life in children, women and girl victims of war and ethnic conflict who have been abandoned, marginalized and discriminated against.
Our values
Dignity: All those with whom we work are entitled to be treated with respect and dignity, regardless of their gender, ethnicity, physical condition or social status.
Humanity: Compassion, caring and sensitivity to the experiences of children victims of wars and ethnic conflicts as well as children living in extremely precarious conditions are our priorities.
Sharing: We share our experiences with all available persons so that we can help vulnerable children and anyone else in need.