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About us


History of CSC-Asbl

Community Support Center (CSC-Asbl) is a non-profit organization established by Byolenganya Olo Bernoulli in 2016 and registered with charity number 112/SKV/6937 in the South Kivu province in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).

After living for many years in isolation, Olo set up CSC-Asbl to promote a humanitarian vision on behalf of those whose rights have been violated. By fighting against social injustice, discrimination and inequality he aims to inspire resilience and a belief in a better life in children, women and girl victims of war and ethnic conflict who have been abandoned, marginalized and discriminated against.


Our values

Dignity: All those with whom we work are entitled to be treated with respect and dignity, regardless of their gender, ethnicity, physical condition or social status.

Humanity: Compassion, caring and sensitivity to the experiences of children victims of wars and ethnic conflicts as well as children living in extremely precarious conditions are our priorities.

Sharing: We share our experiences with all available persons so that we can help vulnerable children and anyone else in need.



Our Vision is to promote fellowship, empowerment and the rights of children and women survivors and victims of conflicts, as well as to give them joy and hope for a better future; so that they become productive members of society



Our Mission is to provide psychosocial support and other forms of assistance to children and women victims and survivors of conflicts, and to the most vulnerable groups in society.

Main Objectif

Our main objective is to improve the living conditions of children and women affected by conflicts as well as those living in precarious living conditions in the eastern part of the DRC .

Specific objectives

  • Ensure the protection of vulnerable children
  • Train young women in sexual and reproductive health
  • Facilitate the social integration of child survivors and victims
  • Create youth centers for peace
  • Protect the environment
  • Create vocational training centers for young people
  • Strengthen the leadership of young women
  • Promote social cohesion